Instagram Week Round up – My Pink Life
Hey pretty gals & boys!
I decided to start doing this little weekly round up for my Instagram feed and just show you guys the content I am creating recently + what I have been up to and what’s going on. I feel this will be such great way to be able to catch up with you guys but also link stuff you guys ask for and have a dedicated area for you all to ask questions wether its about where I got something or what I’m up to. So the point of these posts is to be able to see your questions easier since DM’s get a little bit hectic on insta.
Above is my current insta feed! As you can see, here is what’s been happening…
- I did an empty beauty room tour reel. Because YES we listed our house on the market so I am officially moved out of my beauty room. If you guys care to see an empty beauty room your on my channel let me know <3
- I moved in to our temporary living situation aka my old bedroom lol. I also did reels of what that is looking like so far.
- I did some shopping at Burlington for a new YouTube video! Cant wait for you guys to see what I picked up from that reel and why.
- I have been spending a lot of time at the office which is why you will see a lot of content being filmed there. It is just convenient and very private to be able to film at my office so It is my ideal filming situation for now.
Hope that covers it! let me know below if you have any questions! love y’all so much!
Legally Brunette – pink & tweed ootd
Fall 2021 Shein Picks
Free pink & Girly iPhone Icons iOS 14 & 15
If you loved seeing my new customized pink iPhone you will adore these cute little freebies I made for you to use to pinkify your iPhone. If you want the full set of these icons click here to purchase all 69 icons!
Girly & Pink Sims 4 Custom Content Links
Hey Pretties! for todays post I am sharing as many links as I could find for all of the custom content I used to create my sims girly closets & Rooms. I know That I am still missing some but I will be working on updating the links as I find them. I linked as many items as I could below.
Pink The Season Christmas Phone Wallpapers
Hey pretties! I decided to provide you with some free Christmas Holiday wallpapers for PERSONAL USE! If you saved them/are using them feel free to tag me in your stories and posts on instgram! Follow me on instagram for more goodies and content!Β
Be sure to use my hashtag #PinkTheSeason in your girly instagram holiday posts so I can show you some love!
A Few Thoughts in Mind..
I don’t know where to begin this post so I will began by explaining why this post is even happening right now. Sometimes, given the online job I have and the social media pressure… it is difficult to speak on things. And that leaves a lot of things unspoken or up in the air. I think that I always feel the need to always do the right thing because it is simply how I was raised. When people wrong me, Turn the other cheek… when someone betrays me, be the better person and walk away… when someone takes advantage of me… see it as a lesson learned and hope that whatever that person got from me was truly necessary for them.
My entire life I have held in feelings and anger when I feel used, broken, or betrayed. That has led to a lot of different conclusions.. such as people thinking I must be heartless…or cold… or simply don’t have feelings. OR this is my favorite one… people thinking I am shady for venting to the one friend I thought I could trust. We all have feelings, and a lot of them. And not everyone listening is going to listen without judgement or without adding their two scents… BUT when it comes down to it… they will 100% tell someone esle what you said, but never what they say. That’s why I always make sure I tell someone what I said before telling them what someone esle said about them. AND If I was wrong I apologize and take accountability. However, this has taken many mistakes and misunderstandings to learn to do.
I always see a lot that I never speak on… that being people who just use me, or try to be my friend for gain… or manipulate me. I also see a lot of unhealthy toxic personalities, and other people who do not see it and continue to be around the unhealthy energy. I am naturally a protective person so my first instinct is to protect people. I have to remind myself that people truly attract what they think and feel and if they are tangled up in those energies its probably because they have the same energy or lack understanding for what is wrong for them. And take it from me, sometimes you end up the bad guy for warning them. And we are back to why I just remain HUSH.
I guess the entire point of this post is to say that in the midst of holding so much in to be the better person…you damage yourself. Maybe, Just Maybe its better to choose yourself and stop choosing everyone else. That is why I now unapologetically let go of people who cross my boundaires… why I no longer beg or ask people to respect them. And you shoulnd’t either. This is also why I stopped trying to protect other people. Because I CHOOSE ME FOR ONCE.
Hope you enjoyed a little insight into my mind… idk If I will keep posting these posts because they’re not so happy, pink, and positive lol. but that was just something I needed to releaste from my mind tonight. and as I finish typing this post.. I already feel a weight lifted. So if you read this THANK YOU.
What’s in my Shein Cart
Hey pretties! Welcome back to the blog. If you are new and happened to stumble upon this post… HI! My name is Thania and I love all things pink and girly. On my blog you will find an extension of my youtube channel. I love posting pink content and finding Useful & Pink goodies to share with you!
For todays post I decided to do a what is in my shein cart. I would like to start doing these posts for other places too such as amazon. But we will begin the series with shein!Β I feel like I am ALWAYS adding things to my cart but not all of it makes it into a video or my door step lol. So I figured why not do what is in my cart posts so you guys can tell me in the comments below, what you think is worth ordering AND what to maybe skip out on.
That’s enough chit chatting! lets get to business.